There is a movie that came out recently, perhaps you've heard of it.
Julie & Julia? People have been asking me if I've seen it, and besides the whole Julia Child cooking thing, I really didn't know why they thought this particular movie should have caught my attention. I've never really known much about Julia Child and I'm a baker more than a chef, so what made everybody think I must have seen this movie. I watched it last night. Now I understand. And while I assure you that all similarities between Julie and I are coincidental, the parallels are uncanny! We are both nearly 30 with a passion for cooking and a husband who encouraged us to blog about it. What really made me gasp was the shot of the laptop that she wrote her blog on. It looked like an older (2002 vs 2010) version of this beauty that my sweet husband insisted on giving me to encourage me in publishing my baking fancies.

Seriously? The same laptop? That is just, just, well it just made me laugh. And then it inspired me to get on here and write this post which I've been meaning to do for some time now. This computer isn't the only new gadget that this baking/ blogging thing was the to upgrade. There was also this beautiful new camera. Picked specifically for its size (it fits in a pocket or my bag)
but also its ability to take really great food shots for a point and shoot. Because, I may as well come clean now, I've been obsessed with photographing everything that comes out of my kitchen since long before it was popular. And of course if you have a great camera you have to have something to edit those photos with...
because even my best shots still need cropping :) This is going to be fun!
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